Monday, November 9, 2009

The First Year

Lucas was born on March 16, 2006. He was health and the birth went well. Lucas John Michael was 19.5 inches long and weighed 7 lbs 10 oz. The only complication was that his bilirubin was high so he was under bili lights for the first days of his life.

On 3/20/2006 Lucas' biliruben was at a 19.1 which was considered critically high. It was drawn again on 3/22/06 and it was 11.9, which was still critically high.

At one month 4/20/2006 Lucas had many labs drawn and most of them came back high. Throughout the first month after Lucas was born he was constantly congested and had a cough, this we were told was viral and the symptoms were treated. Also at one month he started to get drainage from his eyes.

At his 2 month well check Lucas was given all the noraml shots. By the next day he was very crabby and had a temp of between 100 and 102. He was given Rocephin and sent home. Lucas did will after this other than having a cough and congestion until the age of 5 months when he spiked a fever of 100.5 we were again told he had something viral and he was sent home. He was seen a few more times in this month for harsh coughing and fever, we were still told there was nothing wrong with him. His 6 month, Oct 4 well baby went well he recieved his shot and had no problems with them.

At six months he was still having the same symptoms and had a possible ear injection, on Oct. 11 he was put on Amoxicillin for this. He was seen again on Oct,. 23 still having symptoms he was put on Albuterol through a nebulizer to help with the cough. Nov 1 he is still not better so the doctor was called. Nov. 15 he developed a horrible diaper rash and was put on cephaloxin and a topical ointment to get it cleared up.

December 6 he was almost 9 months old we took him in because he was very fussy we were again told this was viral and sent home. This has continued through the last three years. Many of the labs that were drawn can back high. None of this was explained to me and I was never told anything was wrong. Dec 9 Lucas had his 9 month well baby check-up Lucas was given his shots for a six month child because he was behind on them due to all the illness.

Jan 25 Lucas had a harsh cough again and was see, at this point he was 10 months old. We were again told that it was viral and sent home.

Feb 2 he was still not any better and was put on Zithromax and the nebulizer again.
Feb 21 he was seen again for pulling on his ears and having a rash on his hands He was given Ominecef for three days because of the rash, his ears were normal.

4-2-07 12 moth well baby check- He was given his 12 month shot and everything was normal.

That is the end of the first years of doctoring with Lucas.

Getting Started

With all the questions and changes in Lucas' day-to-day life. I have decided to set up this blog so everyone can see what My Little Lucas has gone through, what TRAPS is, and continued treatments and changes in our day-to-day life.